Council agrees over £470,000 investment for local improvements
Posted by on 22 Mar 2024

More local community investment totalling over £470,000 will be delivered across the borough following the latest round of townships funding agreed by Rochdale Borough Council.
Five township committees; Heywood, Middleton, Rochdale North, Rochdale South and Pennines allocate council funds, including grants for community projects, environmental and highway improvements, events and issues raised by residents that need addressing. Township Committee funding is designed to give financial backing to projects and community groups that will enhance local areas.
In most cases improvements are already under way or will be delivered in the coming weeks.
Heywood Township will fund Darnhill Festival in July, comprising a day of arts and cultural activities for families. The restoration of Heywood War Memorial will be paid for along with new crossing points on Bury Old Road to make it easier for pushchairs and wheelchairs. Financial support is also being provided for Veterans into Logistics, a Heywood based registered charity that supports veterans through their medical, theory, practical learning and tests to gain a HGV licence. Funds have also been awarded to Get Up and Grow NW to run workshops and training sessions with vulnerable adults and carers covering planting, cooking and composting. 11 year-old Holy Family RC College student Jack Morton will be supported to represent the UK at a major roller hockey tournament in the USA this summer. Cartwheel Arts will get financial support to run their Art & Soul weekly arts classes that supports adults with mild to severe mental health conditions. Two life sized planted horses will be installed on the junction 19 interchange at Heywood to provide an eye-catching horticultural display, forming part of the town’s North West In Bloom entry. Waiting restrictions are to be installed at Banks Croft and Green Lane. Rochdale Hornets Sporting Foundation will provide weekly rugby coaching for young people at Heywood Sports Village and a monthly acrylic painting class for adults will run at Heywood Library led by an artist from Creative Health Ltd.
Middleton Township is providing funds for this year’s Middfest - the popular family friendly community event in Limefield Park to be staged this summer. The Middleton Holiday at Home scheme that provides activities and food for children from low income and disadvantaged families will also be funded. Activities at Middleton Library are being supported along with improvements to the pedestrian crossing at Mainway and waiting restrictions at the junction of Newton Crescent and Windemere Road. Rugby league training for 12–16 year olds will be delivered by Rochdale Hornets Sporting Foundation at Hopwood Hall College. A new heritage trail aimed at encouraging residents and visitors to engage with the town’s heritage will also be developed. New parking bays will be installed on Pershore Road along with dropped kerbs in the Durnford Street area to improve safety. Pot holes on Hollin car park will be repaired and additional planters installed on Townley Street. Local partially sighted international cheerleading athlete Amelia Greenhalgh is being funded to represent her country at the World Championships in America later this year.
Pennines Township are contributing towards the cost of much needed roof repairs at Butterworth Hall Community Centre and the New Life Community Church. An upgrade to CCTV and outdoor security lighting in Milnrow Memorial Park will also be a carried out. Popular events and activities funded include Littleborough Lantern Parade, Pennines in Bloom and a Johnny Alfrey Memorial Day music event. The multi-sports pitch at Milnrow Cricket Club will be upgraded and traffic calming measures introduced on Gloucester Avenue in response to residents’ concerns about the area being used as a cut-through at peak times. To prevent damaging grass verge parking on Duke Street, bollards are to be installed, together with waiting restrictions on Inglis Street and Major Street.
Rochdale North Township is funding traffic calming measures on Ashworth Street after issues with speeding drivers and reconstruction of the footpath on Hamer Hall Crescent. Ashworth Valley Scout Camp have been awarded funds for modifications so they can accommodate young people with disabilities for overnight stays. A mural of Rochdale born footballer Keira Walsh will be installed on a building in Rochdale town centre and Dales Volleyball Club will also receive funds. Sewing classes will be run by the Kashmir Youth Project and the local Parkrun is also being supported.
Rochdale South Township will be funding CCTV for Stoneyfield Play Area to tackle anti-social behaviour and new vehicle activated speed signs on Norden Road and road humps to deter speeding on Chamber House Drive. A new bike store will be installed at Deeplish Primary Academy to enable more children to cycle to school. New bollards and paving will be installed on the junction of Queensway/Darlington Road to improve road safety. Dales Volleyball Club have received funds to run a twelve team tournament at Kingsway Park High School, and Kashmir Youth Project will be supported to run a 40 week sewing class, showing how to make new clothes and repairing existing ones. BASA Rochdale CIC are being funded to deliver weekly sports, arts and craft sessions and the Roc and Rolls pay what you can afford café on Drake Street is also being supported.
Councillor Sue Smith, cabinet member for communities and co-operation said the investment of township funds is really making a difference: “We are pleased to support all these projects and many more, which are either under way or will be delivered in the coming weeks. There is more money going to groups who are doing great work in the community as well as addressing important issues that residents have raised. To do even more we need you to get involved so as always please do let us know your ideas for things that will benefit your local area, the more people that get involved, the more the council can do.”
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